I’m not a betting person, but I’d wager a guess that if you’ve found your way to my site you love books.
That’s almost a given. But, what’s also a given is that while we both love books, we won’t necessarily love the same books.
A book I absolutely adored and can’t stop raving about may be one that you struggled to get through and left you unimpressed. And a title that didn’t make a lasting impression on me may have stood out to you for entirely different reasons.
That’s why I think it’s important to talk about how I give starred ratings to the books I read and review here.
I’ve seen so much variation across the world of book blogging. The criteria for a five-star rating from me may be completely different for a five-star read from a different reviewer.
It’s understandable, but it’s important to know what a five-star rating means from the reviewer that bestowed it.
So, if you’re reading my reviews on books, please take a minute to check out what different starred ratings mean.
There’s a reason you’ll almost never see a one or two-star book on my blog, and why three-star books are rarely seen as well. The obvious reason for this is that for a girl with a mile long TBR, it’s important for me to prioritize books that I believe I will love. There are simply too many books in the world to read ones that don’t excite me.
You’ve also probably noticed that I give out five-star ratings rather liberally. Part of the reason for this is that I usually do my due diligence before starting a book. I’ll read reviews of book bloggers whose opinions I trust and hear their thoughts on a title before deciding it’s one I need to read.
The other reasons I’ll discuss more in-depth later, but it’s safe to say that I want to be a reviewer that can help get the right book into the hand of the right reader. Of course, just because I give a book five stars doesn’t mean it will be a five-star read for you as well. But, I’m confident that with taking my rating system into account and reading the analysis section of my reviews, you’ll be able to tell which books to send to the top of your own TBR for a great read, and which you’re less likely to enjoy.
This book was not enjoyable for me and is not a book I’d recommend to friends and readers. You likely won’t see any of these because I will DNF a book that’s leaning towards a rating this low.
Has all of the following:
- The writing style was extremely hard to get through
- Characters lacked depth
- Unenjoyable reading experience
- Predictable and full of cliches
While everyone has different tastes, I feel it’s safe to say that if you ever see me give a book a one-star rating, it’s one to skip. The book didn’t have enough redeeming qualities for me to find any merit in it.
You likely won’t see any of these because I will DNF a book that’s leaning towards a rating this low.
Has most of the following
- The writing style was hard to get through
- Characters lacked depth
- Unenjoyable reading experience
- Predictable and full of cliches
- Interesting premise, but disappointing execution
A different reader may rate it higher, but if we have similar reading tastes and you agree with my other reviews in the genre this is unlikely to be your next favorite book.
While certain readers might enjoy the book for a different reason, it’s definitely one I’d look into further before diving into. Three-Star reads are borderline DNFs for me.
- Interesting premise, but disappointing execution
- Characters lacked complexity
- The writing style didn’t work for me
- Surface level plot, or themes not handled well
- Alright, but unmemorable
Your mileage may vary, but this was not the book for me. If you particularly love something about the author or plot, you may find the book more enjoyable than I did.
I enjoyed reading this book. It’s a worthwhile read, but lacks a certain element or two that would make it a top pick for me.
- Interesting plot or story, well-executed
- Multi-dimensional characters
- The writing style was enjoyable
- Takes on some deeper themes
- I may enjoy rereading this book
- Solid ending, but left something to be desired
These books are solid reads and I’m confident readers who are interested in these titles will enjoy them.
- Interesting plot or story, well-executed
- Well-defined and complex characters characters
- The writing style was exceptional
- I would enjoy rereading this book.
- Handles deeper themes in a thought-provoking manner
- Satisfying ending
If you’ve been considering this book at all, I can definitely recommend that you give it a read. This book may not be for everyone. A five-star thriller and a five-star romance will both be books I feel are the best of their genres, but they may not appeal to people who don’t have an interest in reading that type of book.
Oh, you thought that since my rating system is out of five stars that this would be it?!
For books that especially stand out and are all-time favorites, I have one more category.
All the Stars:
Has all the qualities of a five-star rated book, plus
- This book transcends its genre
- Evoked emotion- made me laugh out loud or cry, but probably both
- The writing was excellent
- The book makes you see things in a different light
- At least one character stands out as being deeply human and real
- The ending was satisfying, yet left me wanting more
- I can see myself rereading and recommending frequently
This is a book I think everyone could benefit from, whether it’s from a genre you gravitate to or not. It’s one of my top recommendations and if you haven’t read it I think you should go order a copy right now!
Alright, there’s your comprehensive guide to how I give starred ratings to the book I review.
I only give full star ratings. With this in mind, I go to whichever category I feel is most fitting. If the book gives me that five-star feel, I will round up when torn between a four and five star rating. If it hits most of the points but still falls a bit short for me, I round down.
Of course, all review opinions are my own and the rating I give a book may not directly correlate to your enjoyment of the same title. Hopefully, with my rating system in mind, you can use my ratings to find the perfect book for your tastes!
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