Gilmore Girls. It’s a show. It’s a religion. It’s a lifestyle.
It first aired twenty years ago today.
For me, Rory was the original #bookfluencer in my life, with the exception of perhaps my mother.
I know I’m not alone in this. For years I’ve followed the “Rory Gilmore Reading Lists” people have posted online and added the titles she’s seen reading on the show to my own TBR.
I was a reader long before Gilmore Girls and was about the same age as Season 1 Rory when I watched my first episode. It didn’t take long for me to be hooked- everything from the witty dialogue, the relationship between Lorelai and Rory, and the endless amount of books that are read and referenced quickly made it my favorite show.
Rory was my introduction to Sylvia Plath and The Bell Jar, which has become a favorite of mine.
She’s the reason I chose Anna Karenina for an independent reading project in my Sophomore year of High School when the rest of the class chose the shortest books on the list.
I loved learning that books I’d enjoyed before discovering the show –A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Charlotte’s Web– were favorites of hers as well.
There were even instances I wish Rory could try to persuade me to read a book I’m not interested in trying, or that I tried and couldn’t get into. (Moby Dick was a DNF for me, sorry girl.)
I’ve compiled 70 of the best bookish moments from the show in a blog post. It’s filled with things you’re sure to relate to and that will make you laugh, and possibly even tear up a bit. (Rory’s Valedictorian speech gets me every time.)
Let’s go!
1. Gilmore Girls is probably the most bookish show out there. I’m here for the books too, girl.

2. She was basically a bookstagrammer before Instagram was even a thing, getting her portrait done while reading.

3. And we can all relate that sharing our current reads with other book lovers is the best.

4. Like Jess, we bookstagrammers love giving book recommendations to all our friends.

5. And you love talking to them about the book you got them to read…

6. … and maybe even arguing differing opinions on polarizing books.

7. And you love showing off your current reads and book hauls to your friends.

8. Book friends are the best friends. Even if your reading tastes are very different…

9. … or are competitive and always seem to read more than you in a given month.

10. Like Rory, most true bibliophiles have realized there is no way they’ll get to all the books on their TBR in their lifetime.

11. And have stayed up past their bedtime to get some extra reading in…

12. After realizing you’re not as well-read as you’d like to be, like Rory did at her visit to Harvard.

13. Richard knowing that the quickest way to get to know a person was to ask this question .

14. And Jess reminding us that you shouldn’t skip the classics.

15. Lorelai fibbing about finishing a book was all too relatable for most of us…

16. … because some books, even if they’re beloved classics, just aren’t for us.

17. Sometimes we’re not ready to mark a book “DNF”… we’ll get around to finishing it some day.

18. Still, you’re not above using a literary reference that you know will go over someone’s head…

19. …or one that you hope the other person will understand.

20. And sometimes referring to something in a book is the only way to explain how you’re feeling, like when Rory needed to knock off hats and steal a boat.

21. One of the most emotional moments is Rory’s speech, where she talks about how books are an important part of her life and how real the characters and stories can be to bookworms.

22. So everyone knows the perfect gift for every occasion.

23. And you couldn’t be happier to be given one, whether it’s a big new book…

24. …or an old special edition, like the 100-year-old copy of Leaves of Grass Richard got Rory.

25. In fact, some of the best gifts you’ve ever received are books.

26. Dean knows that to a bookwork, spending the day in a bookstore is a dream date…

27. …even though you have more than enough reading material at home.

28. Most bookworms have had non-readers act surprised by how many books they own….

29. … but our shelves don’t always always fit our full collection…

30. … so we have to get creative with what to do with our overflow.

31. You never mind an opportunity to rearrange your shelves.

32. We think our books have feeling and need to be treated and stored with respect.

33. Sometimes our bookish collection extends beyond books to book related memorabilia.

34. Like this bookish tshirt, that reminds us that reading is sexy.

35. Which it is. Lorelai knows that things are getting serious when a man loans you one of his books.

36. Rory is all of us trying to get a significant other to read our favorite books.

37. So you get excited when you meet someone who likes to read the same books you do.

38. Rory bringing a book with her to a school dance showed us it’s a good idea to bring a book everywhere.

39. Maybe even more than one, especially if you’re a mood reader, like when Rory had to bring more than would fit in her backpack.

40. Because bookworms know it’s never a bad time to catch up on your reading.

41. And forget about trying to pack for a trip. Like Rory, most of us would gladly skimp on clothes for extra books.

42. But reading time is always a part any bibliophile’s dream vacation.

43. In fact, at most social events you’d probably rather be spending time reading. I’m an autumn too, Richard.

44. And Rory isn’t the only one to excuse herself so she can get back to her books.

45. Others might not always understand your extreme love of books.

46. Sometimes it may seem like that’s all that’s on your mind.

47. Hardcore bibliophiles know that some people just won’t share our passion.

48. Like Jess, you may have downplayed just how much you love reading once or twice. Because really, what is much?

49. Because some people might think youre a little odd if you do this.

50. They might even tease you for it.

51. But seriously. The old book smell. The new book smell. It’s good stuff.

52. But you’ll still give audiobooks a chance, even if you still love having physical books. If Luke can give it a shot you can too.

53. Like Jess, most have probably had a title or two on our TBRs that we haven’t wanted everyone to see.

54. Because people may get the wrong idea, like Rory’s professor when she had a stack of wine books for ‘research.’

55. But really, we shouldn’t be judging people for the books they’re reading or the authors they know. Don’t be a Logan.

56. Lorelai knows there’s no shame in reading what brings you joy…

57. And the joy of sharing childhood favorites with our own children.

58. Because having family who encourages reading is the best…

59. And can help young readers enjoy advanced books at an early age…

60. … maybe a little too much. Young bookworms may have gotten in trouble for reading too much.

61. Like Rory, you know that new books can be a distraction from life’s responsibilities.

62. So, even if the books you’re reading are sometimes depressing, dishartening, …

63. … disgusting, and shocking…

64. … that’s not going to stop you from reading them.

65. Reading as many books as you do gives you an appreciation of just how much goes into writing one.

66. Like Paris, maybe you’ve thought about reading your life story in print.

67. Most of us readers have heard this piece of advice at least one time in our lives.

68. And most of us have certainly had ideas for stories we could tell.

69. So take a trip to the library… you know you want to.

70. And get off the internet and back to the books!

I had a lot of fun putting this list together as I’ve been rewatching the series.
Which relatable bookish moment from the show is your favorite?
Be sure to check out the following article, where I talk about the books our beloved characters have been reading since we last saw them in 2016.
All images from the show belong to Netflix and the CW, and all credit for the pictures go to them.
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This is amazing!!!
Thank you! I had fun with it!