Hi, friends!
Like many people I’ve talked to in recent weeks, I’ve struggled to stay calm and grounded in the wake of all that’s going on in the world. These are scary times and it’s all too easy to get caught up in the nonstop media coverage and speculate about what will happen next.
Being informed is important, but taking time to be without the constant flood of information is equally important to preserve mental wellbeing right now.
Reading is one of my favorite ways to step back from the world, and literature has always been a source of great comfort. I’m sure many readers can relate, so here is a list of quotes from beloved works of literature to help ease anxiety and keep things in perspective during these uncertain times.
Touching on ideas such as resilience, hope, and strength, these beautiful words have inspired many in the past and can be used to calm, reassure, and refocus in the time of COVID-19 and beyond.
Quotes to Comfort and Inspire :

Hugo’s epic story about human resilience gives us this beautiful line, and even though we don’t know when this will all be behind us, it’s important to keep this in mind.
Things are dark right now.
Times are hard.
But the sun will rise.

De Profundis, the published letter where Wilde penned this iconic line, was written while he was imprisoned.
Social isolation is can be without a doubt lonely and difficult, but make this your reminder to delight in simple pleasures.
Go outside, smell the roses, and curl up with a good book. Or, you know… a stack of them.

In White Teeth Zadie Smith reminds us to draw on our own strength.
The world will come through this, and when we do we will be stronger, and hopefully kinder for it. They’re often one in the same.

Many of us grew up with Rowling’s Harry Potter series, so the advice seems almost maternal. Or paternal, if you consider the quote was from always wise Albus Dumbledore.
There is still goodness in the world. People are kind, they’re coming together in unexpected ways and that’s a beautiful light in a time like this.
Check out The Good Stuff for the news stories we all need to hear right now. No negativity allowed.

The Bell Jar is a heavy read, but this quote is a great reminded to stay centered within yourself.
Take a deep breath. Focus on your breathing. Meditate. Put your hand on your heart and feel it still beating.

Too often our minds go to the worst-case scenarios, but let this verse serve as a reminder to challenge them.
Things are far from ideal, but it’s also unlikely that out of all the possible outcomes, the worst ones that pop into your mind will become a reality. If you’re allowing your mind to entertain those sorts of thoughts, allow it to dwell in the possibility of something better happening.

One of the worst things about this situation is the feeling of powerlessness we feel. But there are things you can do to improve the situation for yourself, your family, your community, and the world.
Stay home, help cook and shop for an older neighbor or family member, volunteer, donate, make something like face masks or 3D printed shields if you have the resources.
Do what you can with what you have and do it now.

This iconic line from King’s novella The Shawshank Redemption is a beacon of hope in difficult times.
Remember that resilience is one of the most beautiful attributes of the human spirit, and always hold on to hope for better times.

Let this quote from A Farewell to Arms inspire you to check in on your quiet friends, too. Those who are being strong for others. The ones who seem to have it all under control.
Internally, they could be struggling the most to deal with things, so reach out to those you care about and let them know you’re there if they need someone to talk to. It might mean more than you realize.

This comforting line from Winnie the Pooh is a great reminder that you already have it all in you.
Trust yourself and rely on your intuition to guide you in the decisions you need to make.
You’ve got this.
I hope something in this list of quotes has spoken to you and helped your outlook in the situations we’re all facing.
Be safe and remember you aren’t alone.